
Posts Tagged ‘work’

Christ’s Ministry

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Acts 10:34-38 (38)

In 1871 H. M. Stanley went to Africa to find and report on David Livingstone. For several months he traveled with the missionary. During this time he observed Livingstone’s patient compassion for the African people. Except for Jesus, Livingstone had no reason to sacrifice his life for these backward people. Stanley wrote in his journal, “When I saw that unwearied patience, that unflagging zeal, and those enlightened sons of Africa, I became a Christian at his side, though he never spoke to me one word.”

Peter stated in Acts 10:38 that Jesus worked among the people healing them and doing good because God was with Him. Do you work daily to take the message of salvation to the lost? Do you work daily to show Gods love by making the lot of the needy and hurting more bearable?

You say, “Why should I?” I like the humble attitude of John Brodie, former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. He was asked why a million-dollar player should have to hold the ball for field goals and points after touchdown. “Well,” said Brodie, “if I didn’t, it would fall over.” The work needs to be done. Are you going to do it? Jesus did His work because God was with Him. Does that mean that if we dont God is not with us?

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

Praying Your Prodigal Home by Richard A Burr

July 21st, 2009 No comments

A Book Review

By Dr. Gayle Woods

Those who have prodigal sons or daughters understand the feeling I had when I was given “Praying Your Prodigal Home” as a Christmas gift. Hope surged. Maybe there was some secret hidden in the book that I had missed. Maybe my prayers for my own son would be more effective after I read the book.

I also opened the book with some sense of skepticism. What did this person know about my heartache? Was the author really involved? You have to face this situation from a stance of experience. Mere research is not enough.

As I began to read my heart soon melded with the Richard Burr. He and his wife had suffered my heartache. They sat where I sat. Their son Jeff, showed great promise as a teen. He appeared to live for God. He was involved in Church work. Attending Baylor University, however, Jeff was assigned a homosexual roommate. Later his parents were to learn that Jeff’s pastor in Waco, Texas was also a homosexual. The parents were devastated in 1984 when Jeff flaunted his own homosexuality and told them he never wanted to see them again. He was so adamant in rejecting his Christian past that he changed his surname.

For 15 years they prayed. During this time they learned valuable lessons about praying for a prodigal. They discovered that this is not something that is to be hidden. You must share your burden with other concerned Christians. You also must not chase after your prodigal. You have to learn to let go. The prodigal’s father, in Luke 15, only went to the edge of his property and longed for his son. He did not follow him to the place of sin in order to stage a rescue. The prodigal must be released to God.

Richard Burr emphasizes the importance of praying the Word of God. He states, “The underlying combination of God’s Word with the ministry of prayer releases the divine power of God to produce unfathomable results.” (p. 33) Throughout the book he gives examples of how he and his wife prayed the Word of God as they interceded for their son. As he says, “. . . prayer without the Word leads to mysticism and false religion, and the Word without prayer leads to legalism and dead orthodoxy.” (p. 36) In urging the parent to intercede for their children, Burr underscores the point that prayer must go beyond a supplemental activity and become a foundational, fundamental ministry. (p. 48)

The author deals with the work of the Holy Spirit in His convicting and drawing power. He also points to the absolute necessity of true repentance and active faith.
I can confidently encourage parents of prodigals to digest this book. It will it be a source of encouragement in seeing how Jeff, dying with AIDS reconciles both with his parents and with God. A spark of hope will be ignited for your own personal situation. In addition, you will receive elementary instruction in the work of praying your prodigal home. It is my prayer that we will see a large crowd of prodigals rushing home as a result of our renewed hope and revitalized intercession.

Richard A Burr, Praying Your Prodigal Home, (2003). Christian Publications, Inc., Camp Hill, PA. ISBN: 0-87509-956-4.

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