Rom 6:11-14 (11)
Joseph M. Stowell relates,” Some time ago, I was chatting with a man who consults with some of the largest U.S. companies about their quality control. Because ministry is a form of human quality control, I thought I’d ask him for some insights.
“He said, “In quality control, we are not concerned about the product.” I was surprised.
“But then he went on to say, “We are concerned about the process. If the process is right, the product is guaranteed.”
“How relevant to our Christianity.
“We tend to be more oriented to the “product” of our faith than the process.
“As American Christians, we tend to desire and demand products of righteousness, but give little attention to the process.” (Bible Illustrator)
The conversion from death (a sinful life) to life (a life committed to following Jesus Christ) is dramatic. This process is at times called “growth in grace” or “sanctification” (not to be confused with entire sanctification). From the time we are saved by the grace of God initial holiness is begun. We turn our backs on sin and begin to do our best to live a life that is always pleasing to God. To do this we follow the instructions of God’s Word carefully and endeavor to become more sensitive to the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Gayle Woods
Luke 16:10-13 (10)
Who is Mr. Church of God (Holiness)? In my opinion that title should be given to Dr. I. C. Holland. He has served the Lord in the Church of God (Holiness) from an early age and he has served well. Even while attending the University of Missouri as a young man he was active in the ministry. The desire to preach the Word and pastor the people of God continued to be a love and a burden to him. And yet this ministry was not exclusive. He became very active at Kansas City College and Bible School. He served as Professor, Academic Dean, Vice President, President and finally as Board Member. He is interested in the mission of the church abroad. He has served on the World Mission Board for many years and has traveled to represent the work on numerous foreign fields. This barely scratches the surface of his official involvement in the Church of God (Holiness). In addition, the people saw his interest in their lives as he demonstrated his outstanding memory. Names of people previously met on one occasion accompanied by remembrances of personal interest caused many to stand in awe. As Chairman of the General Convention he served with dignity, wisdom and poise. The list continues seemingly without end regarding one who took Romans 12:1 literally and gave himself to Jesus Christ in unselfish and tireless labor.
Dr. Gayle Woods