Eph 6:10-18 (10)
If I were to visualize the people of God in armor as prepared for battle the image of one man would quickly come to my mind. This man has blazed a trail wherever he has served. He has stood as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar in his opposition to individuals who have tried to gain personal advantage at the risk of causing damage to the local congregation. While others have folded in personal compromise he has stood in the battle unflinching in his faithfulness. He has served local congregations well as pastor but he has also served the Church of God (Holiness) well as a leader. He has given and given and given to the work of God but has never given in to the pressures of those who wanted to espouse another way. If I was the Quarterback on a football team I would want him to be my Center. He will still be standing in the battle when the field is carpeted with the bodies of self-styled leaders. He is dependable. He formidable. He is solid in his faith. Silas MeGehee took Paul seriously when he said, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Silas is a warrior of the cross.
Dr. Gayle Woods
Eph 2:(18)-22
Have you ever noticed the elastic nature of love? My wife and I were happily married for five years before David was born. I thought my heart would burst with love. I guess that proud pain I was feeling was the stretching of my love to include another member in the family. But it happened again. Jonathan was born eighteen months later. I felt that wonderful pain of love stretching. Five years later when Ben was born I thought I could not bear the joy. . . the overwhelming since of love. I felt the pain of love stretching even more. Surely that would be it. But my love was to stretch even more, for when Jonathan married Becky I once again felt the pain of my love stretching. And it is still happening! Joshua was born the day before Christmas in 2001 and then Emily brought us more joy when she was born in October 2003. (Would you like to see my pictures?) Our love has stretched to include more people into our family. In so doing those members have actually been woven into the fabric of mutual love. We are one. It is no wonder that Jesus used the family to express the concept of what happens when we are born of God. He says we are “grafted into the vine.” He says we are “sons.” I believe He experiences the same joyful pain of the love stretch every time someone calls on Him asking that He pardon them for their sinfulness.
Dr. Gayle Woods