
Posts Tagged ‘car’

The Blessings of Forgiveness

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Psa 32:(1)-11

As I teenager I was riding with my friend in his dads car. He asked, “Would you like to drive?” Sure, I said. I was too young to drive but we were driving out in the field so it seemed to be harmless and legal. I was having a great time until I ran over the stump of an old tree. We got out and looked at the car and saw that the underside of the body was bent. I have no remembrance of the occasion following that. In fact it was not until years later that I was in chapel service at Kansas City College and Bible School that I even remembered the incident. God moved on the service and I went to the altar to pray for other students. While there God brought the incident to my mind and I knew that I needed to talk to my friend’s father. Later that day I saw him and told him what had happened. I asked how much money I owed him to make things right. He thanks me for my confession and told me that he no longer had the car. I was told that I owed nothing. God’s forgiveness is just as complete. When we confess our sins He totally forgives. His sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to appease the wrath of God and offset the judgment against our offense. We owe nothing except love to this One who freely forgives.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

Prayer for Sanctification

July 21st, 2009 No comments

1 Thessalonians 5:11-24 (23)

I really have nothing against Ramblers. In fact, I liked our fire engine red “Hornet” Rambler. The only problem was that I worked on it all the time to keep it going. One of the men of the church must have noticed that the pastor’s car was often on ramps. He dropped by for a visit one morning and began to tell me a story that would have made a best selling novel. He had been a rear gunner on an airplane during the war. On one of the raids his plane was shot down behind enemy lines. For quite a long time he hid during the day and walked at night trying to get out of enemy territory. This American hero wept as he told me how God spared him, protected him, and provided for him. Then abruptly he changed the subject. “God told me to give you a car. It is two years old but has very few miles and is in good condition.” I was speechless. God had provided once again. In that case He had answered a prayer I had not yet given. When God tells us He will provide He means it. He stands by His word. And, when you ask Him to entirely sanctify you He will also do that cleansing, filling work in your heart and life. “He that calleth you will also do it.”

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News