
Posts Tagged ‘car’

Evil Power Broken

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Matthew 9:32-38

“You did what?” I exclaimed. “I took my hammer and beat the windshield out of my car.” “Why did you do that!” I asked. “I can’t seem to help it, Bro. Woods. Something just seems to come over me when I get mad.”

Cleo could not afford any more misfortune. He drank. He smoked. He couldn’t hold down a job because he couldn’t seem to control his temper. He had led his family one step at a time deeper into the bondage of poverty. At one time he had to sell the chain saw he used to cut wood for their wood stove to pay the electric bill. His house was little more than a shack. Their rent at one time was $25 per month. Sometimes they didn’t have enough money to make this small payment.

I guess that was what brought such a thrill to me when I saw their tears puddle on the altar. This is what caused me to be so excited when I listened to them testifying to the grace of God who had delivered them from that life. On their own they just dug the rut of sin for their life deeper and deeper. But when they called upon God and sought His forgiveness, a dramatic change was effected which dramatically altered the direction of their lives.

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News

A Preserved Life

July 21st, 2009 No comments

Ex 2:1-10: (5b,6)

The Doctor had amazing news for our family. “Our X-Rays of Gayle’s spine indicate that he had TB when he was a baby. “For some reason he was cured.”

One weekend I was returning to Mt. Zion Bible School after a visit to my parents. As I topped a hill on the gravel road it took a sudden turn to the right. The car went into a skid. Coming to the edge of the ditch the car began to roll over. The door on the driver’s side flew open and I was thrown out. I lay on my back beside the car. I watched the car teetering on the edge of the ditch. Would it roll over on to me?

A third incident occurred in my Senior year of High School. The boys took a trip to a nearby rock quarry to go swimming. In an attempt to swim across the quarry with my friend, I ran out of steam and began to go under.

A fourth thing happened that year. God showed me that He had preserved my life for a purpose. He wanted me to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

God preserved Moses’ life for a purpose. He continues to preserve the lives those who He wishes to use in ministry. Has He guarded your life for a reason?

Dr. Gayle Woods

Categories: News