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The Guiding Principle

Matt 7:12

Have you ever been to The Golden Rule Store? Oh… I think you have. For years the J.C. Penney stores were called The Golden Rule stores. Why did they gain this distinction? Because James Cash Penney, starting with a small general merchandise store in the mining town of Kemmerer, Wyoming, in 1902, built a multimillion-dollar business empire on this one simple principle: the Golden Rule.

It was Mr. Penney’s faith in that principle-always treating a customer as he himself would want to be treated-that made them grow and prosper. This was something that he planned into this life. This was something that he planned into the work life of his employees. It was a planned behavior that became second nature to those who were involved with his enterprise.

To do this you must be sensitive to relationships and aware of the importance of your influence of other people. You must ask yourself a number of questions.

How is what I am going to say going to be received?
How is what I am going to do be perceived?
How important is what I want, or think in the light of eternity?

This principle governs ALL things that we do and say. This principle is the summation of the teachings of the Word of God regarding our relationship with others. (Law and Prophets)

Jesus’ command is positive and active! For example: Instead of not stealing, Jesus taught to give. Instead of not murdering, Jesus taught love. Instead of condemning, Jesus taught to seek and save the lost. You must be active to obey the Golden Rule!

The Golden Rule is not the Golden Church Rule: a theory only. It is not something you only do in church and to church people when the world is not observing. It is not something that you can direct only toward those that you like.

It is universal in application. It is a way of life. It is practicing the procedure of Christ. By allowing the Golden Rule to be a guiding principle in your life you are able to practice the love of God.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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