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Works Demonstrate Faith

James 2:21-26 (26) …”For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

“I would not be doing this if it were not for God.” Have you heard someone make this statement? This is true for Bill as well. His great faith demand good works and his good works are a display of his great faith.

I think of Bill when I hear Paul saying, “Let this attitude be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Bill is not satisfied with retirement. After he retired from his secular job he volunteered to be the Chaplin at the Kansas City Rescue Mission. After eleven faithful years of having services every night of the week and seeing thousands of needy men pray for forgiveness at the mission chapel altar Bill retired again. This time he was approached by Dr. Woods about doing work for Kansas City College and Bible School. Now Bill Hunt and his wife are traveling as volunteer field representatives for the school He does not receive pay from the school and pays for his own expenses. He travels extensively … preaching on the weekends and even taking prolonged trips to places like Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona.

If you would ask Bill why he bought a new vehicle and a new trailer to pull from one school service to another knowing that his work was not to be remunerated he would say, “I would not be doing this if it were not for God.” His valuable and appreciated service is a work that demonstrates his faith in the One he loves.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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