The Way Back Home
Luke 15:11-32
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isa. 53:6
My wife got me a GPS (Global Positioning System) for Christmas! I had been hinting for a long time that I wanted one. She gave no indication that she was impressed with my great need. When we found them deeply discounted and we were about to leave for a 1600 mile trip to visit our son’s family in California for Christmas, however, I was able to “sell†her on the wonderful benefits of the technological toy.
This morning I took my wife to work. I didn’t need to use the GPS because I knew the route well. There is still some new to wear off of the little wonder so I hooked it up and turned it on. It was still programmed from the previous day to navigate to my home. As we left our drive and headed toward her workplace the lady’s voice on the GPS began to try to get me to go to the destination that was programmed in the GPS – my home! We had just gone one block when the GPS lady told me to turn right. She wanted to take me around the block and back to my house. This continued throughout the whole trip to my wife’s workplace. I was amused at the insistent effort of the electronic lady as she tried persistently to get me to go back home.
Later as I drove on toward my workplace I mused over the situation. This seemed to be so much like the voice of God that speaks to us when we stray away from His will. He talks to us step by step along the way trying to persuade us to make a U turn and come back to Him. No matter how far we stray, He is there by our side. His voice is clear. The message is consistent. The confidence is sure . . . we can get back home if we will just turn from our own way and return to Him.
Dr. Gayle Woods