Prayer for the Church
Rom. 8:29
A familiar slogan for young basketball lovers is “I wanna be like Mike.” Michael Jordan brought a new element to the game of basketball with his expertise and grace. His personality only enhanced his skill at the game. People all across the nation were charmed by him even when they did not like the team for which he played. The book of Acts tells us that something similar took place early in the history of the church. When the enemies of God called the believers “Christians” at the Antioch church they meant it to be a term of derision. The Christians, however, happily accepted the term with pride. “Christian” means “to be like Christ.” This is God’s will for us . . . that we be transformed into the image of His Son. (Rom. 8:29) That is the will of those who truly love Him. To be holy even as He is holy. (1 Pet 1:16) “I wanna be like Jesus.”
Dr. Gayle Woods