The Holy Spirit Given
Acts 10:44-48
Power. Raw Power. As a boy I stood on the banks of Roaring River fishing for trout. It was severely cold. I watched the beautiful rainbow trout as they tried to determine if they wanted to strike my line. As I looked into the crystal clear water I had no idea the river came from a powerful source. Far upstream is a natural spring from which surges 22 million gallons of water every day. Does the weather matter? Does it have to be warm to have that kind of result? No. The water bubbles up out of the spring unhampered by what is going on all around. We could say that a very similar occurrence can be expected when the Holy Spirit settles in on a group of holy people seeking to be stirred in their spirit. He comes in power. Jesus promised this to us when he said, ABut ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.@ (Acts 1:8a) This can be ours if we but determine to avail ourselves. Do you want revival for someone else? Do you want revival for your church? Until you hunger and thirst after a revival of spiritual intimacy with the Savior in your own life you will not experience the possibility of His power.
Dr. Gayle Woods