Leaving the Land of Bondage
Acts 7:35-39 (36)
I was staring at my computer screen when I heard a persistent alarm bell. School had just begun a few weeks before at Kansas City College and Bible School. This was my first year to work at the school. Rising from my desk I stepped out of the door to see what was taking place. Here they came, teachers and children poured out of the classroom buildings. We were having a fire drill.
As I considered this I was struck with the efficiency of the operation. The school could be emptied in a matter of a few seconds without anybody running, pushing or getting excited. How was it done? By instruction, preparation, and example. The teachers were instructed concerning procedure. They passed this on to their students and then led them calmly and authoritatively out of the building when the alarm was sounded.
In like manner God delegates responsibilities to His people. He expects us to be leaders. We are to lead people to Him. What we know or don=t know about the Bible and Jesus Christ will have an effect on the people we speak to. Our example should always be a high priority. People watch our lives and often decide for our against Christ by what they see in us.
Dr. Gayle Woods