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Jehovah Shalom (Peace)

Judges 6:19-24 (24)

Jesus stands up in the boat. The stormy waves wash over the deck. He rubs sleep from His all seeing eyes. The disciples clutch at the mast with one hand and bail water with the other. He expresses an exasperated request, “Please be still.” The winds and waves turn pink in frustrated embarrassment and beat a hasty retreat back to their placid state.

You are right. He really said “Peace be still.” That’s exactly what He said to my heart one day. It was in a churned state of turmoil. It was boiling over the rim of my humanity. It was in a froth of frustration, and frantic concern.

On that day the Master of the Tempest stood up, looked upon me with tender forgiveness and brought a deep settled peace to my soul. I have never been the same.

He loved me before I was loveable. He wanted me while I was wayward. He called me when I was corrupt. He reasoned with me when I turned from Him in rebellion.

One poet stated, “He knew me . . . yet He loved me.” I don’t understand. All I can say is that once I was at war. Now there is a wonderful peace that insulates my heart from the strife of this world. How can I help but love Him with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind?

Dr. Gayle Woods

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